Plastic Matter Installation Images

Here are images taken by the University of Hertfordshire’s photographer just before the university went into lock down due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The fact that this exhibition coincided with a pandemic and that it was questioning consumerism and the throw-away use of plastic reveals a clear message that we as humans need to change our life styles. My upcoming projects will look more into ways we can do this on a local level.

UHArts Plastic Matter (Low Res)-14.jpg
UHArts Plastic Matter (Low Res)-7.jpg
UHArts Plastic Matter (Low Res)-2.jpg
UHArts Plastic Matter (Low Res)-68.jpg
UHArts Plastic Matter (Low Res)-65.jpg
UHArts Plastic Matter (Low Res)-15.jpg
UHArts Plastic Matter (Low Res)-1.jpg